A namespace is a collection of names and the details of the objects that the names refer to.
Climb up the chart of development, from web, to software and games. Build your foundations and get certified. Let me help you get your first tech job.
Python PIP
PIP is a package management system that is used to install and manage Python-based software packages.
Python as an OOPs
For those of you who don't know, oop stands for Object-Oriented Programming. Is python an oop, and why?
Python Print and Input
For you to have a fully functioning program, you need to be able to receive inputs and display outputs.
How is this done in Python.
Python Function
Function is a collection of operations which can be easily accessed throughout a program. these operation accepts a variable and passes it through the stated operations to give an output.
Python Loops and Iterations
Loops are used to iterate within a set of variables. This can either be a list, string, tuple etc.
Python Conditionals
Python Fundamentals
Heading, Paragraphs and Comments
HTML has 6 main categories of heading tags which varies in sizes which decreases as the number gets higher.
HTML Structure
Saving your HTML file
All files are saved with extensions which helps to determine how they are ran.
HTML files are saved with .html
Introduction To HTML
Rock, Paper, Scissors in Python
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a very popular game played amongst children and even adults.
It is also a very good project for beginners because it implements i/o, data modification, randomizing, conditions and others.