
Advent of Code - Day 1

--- Day 1: Calorie Counting ---

Santa's reindeer typically eat regular reindeer food, but they need a lot of magical energy to deliver presents on Christmas. For that, their favorite snack is a special type of star fruit that only grows deep in the jungle. The Elves have brought you on their annual expedition to the grove where the fruit grows.


Introduction to JavaScript

  • Using consoles on webpages
  • using node.js

There are two methods of getting variables, both of which have similar syntax.
the two methods are:
  • let
  • var (an older version)

 In order to declare constants(i.e., variables which cannot be changed), you make use of the 'const' function.

'console.log()' is used to display(print) information onto the user interface.

A list of all the data types in JavaScript are:
  • strings
  • number(integers and floats)
  • big int: larger numbers
  • Boolean: true or false
  • undefined: a variable with unassigned data
  • null: an empty variable, not the same as undefined
  • symbol
  • object: a collection of information similar to dictionaries or sets.





There are two main types of comments in JavaScript


Where To Learn Python Programming For Free

Hi, guys. Welcome back to answering random questions on the Internet relating to Python programming. And yes, I know I have given this series more to name, but you know, we all know what we're doing here. 
So today we have "where to learn python programming for free" , so you can learn Python programming for free everywhere. It just depends on what level of programming you are at first and you know what you want to use. 
For example, if you prefer using blogs I'd advise programiz.
If you are on YouTube there is freecodecamp there is coding with mosh and there is me
So yeah, you can also go on TikTok or do programming on TikTok, it's usually snippets. It's not going to be detailed. 
You can go for courses like CS50, it's free. That's Harvard Computer Science, about introduction to programming using Python? It's free. The lecturer, I think. What's his name again? David. And he's a very good dude. He explains things very well. He was doing it was his course. I used to learn C or C++, I can't remember.


In Python Program Range(4) Returns...

Hey, guys. Welcome to my series Answering Random Questions in Python programming.
So here we have 'in Python program return for returns.' 
Okay, so it varies. Oh, sorry. No, sorry, wrong answer. Otherwise arbitrary range, is it? 
I mean, we are all familiar with range in statistics and know its current or the data within a starting point and an ending point in python. If we don't, you can't. You can't. 
There are two, actually multiple ways.
Three probably. 
But the first way is to just declare range and declare the ending point as when you pass only one variable into it. And what happens is it starts from zero. For example, here we have range four. So it's going to create a list kind of numbers from zero and stopping at 'n minus one' actually to meet mathematical. 
So it's not going to stop at first. It's going to be zero one, two, three, four isn't going to be included in that range, but you can set your starting point where you have maybe wanted to range from 'two comma four'. 
So the starting point is going to be two and then three because it's engine four. So range just picks a starting point to the number before the ending point. Even starting point isn't giving, then automatically starts at zero. So if you have if you print out range four is going to just print range zero, comma four. But if you now loop it because we have created a data structure. So if you loop treats you now print this. If for example for I in range for print, I then will have zero 1 to 3. All right. Yeah.


In Python Program, a Control Structure Mcq

Welcome to my series "Answering random questions relating to Python programming". So this is an MCQ, we have "in  a Python program, a control structure, (a) direct order of execution, of the statements in the program. (b) detects what happens before the program starts and after it terminates. (c) defines program specific data structures and finally manages the input and the output of control characters. 

I'm going to go through each of the wrong ones first and tell you why. It's obvious this one's for you anyway. Do we know what a control structure is? It's kind of like the sequence of the program. Every single program row, every single programming language is into language, which is the only one I know that doesn't fall into this category of applying am secure. Sorry. Oh, shit. Of applying control structures.

Because you can put 10,000 guys just not style it and using scissors and all. It's going to look exactly how you want it to. But there are certain times when, for example, if I'm declaring a function, I can't code function for function is created and all those little rules because Python isn't exactly very strict with your rules, but all those things get out kind of forms the control structure. 

So it's not just used for managing the input output or the control structure of the control characters. It doesn't define program specific data structures and it doesn't dictate what happens before the program starts and after 10 minutes because it's running through the program. So it's whilst it's ongoing, so directs the order of execution of the statement in the program. Yes. So it's showing how the program should run, what you want to happen first and what you want to happen after that. Yeah, it's like a sequence which your program follows.

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